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The literary club

The literary club is a group of people who enjoy sharing in literature and the arts. They promote open discussion, greater appreciation of our world through the creative visions of artists and authors, and recognize the power that the arts and literature have to influence our lives. They strive to go beyond simply “getting by” in life and try to appreciate it to the fullest extent possible through creative and intellectual expression. They strive to reach this goal through activities, such as the writing workshop, speakeasy, the book crawl, and trips to museums and libraries.

Science club

Science club is based at the science centre intended to provide opportunities for learners to explore science. Our science club fuels the wonder and the joy of learning science in interactive, fun, informative and challenging ways. The club serves as a support base for learners participating in science expos, science olympiad and science fairs.

Maths club

The primary objective of the math club is to foster a community of students around a common interest in mathematics. Club members will have opportunities to apply and improve math skills by participating in math competitions and learning circles. Members will also be able to engage with colleagues in the discipline by attending math conferences and will participate in social gatherings aimed at advancing interactions with their cohort.

Social Science Club

Social science is a subject which offers a systematic study of man in relation to his society. This subject gives functional knowledge of history, geography, economics, civics etc in an integrated manner and inculcates such abilities, skills, attitudes and values that would help children to become useful citizens of society. Social science club is an integral part of the co- curricular activities of social science. This club has a great role in the study of this subject. This clubs should guide the learning activities which extend beyond classrooms. Club members along with their teachers must participate in field trips, exhibitions, quiz competitions, surveys etc. The co-operation of all social teachers and students are needed for a systematic and effective functioning of the club.

IT club

The information technology (it) club provides students with opportunities to discuss various it issues outside the classroom in order to create a greater appreciation for and understanding of echnology. Students plan field trips, activities, and special events during the year;

In addition to their own education, it club members strive to educate the masses on the use of technology.