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About the trust

About the trust

Western educational & Rural development trust is founded in the year 2003 with an objective to promote education and learning in all branches, advancement of arts and culture and promoting environmental awareness and education among the students and with the public. In order to achieve part of its objective, the trust is setting up the Rasi Vidhyashram CBSE school at Eachampatty,Malliakarai. The foundation is managed by professionals, educationists and businessmen with an experience in different fields; the foundation is fully subscribed to the view that education is the true guiding light of the universe.

Registered Office
Western educational & Rural development trust
Rasi Vidhyashram CBSE school campus.
Saalem(Dt)Tamil Nadu.

Board of Management
Mr.  R. Radhakrishnan - Chairman
Mrs. Suseela Rajamanickam - Vice-Chairman
Mr. T.Masilamani - Secretary
Mr. J.Anand - Joint Secretary
Mr.P.Kumarresan - Treasurer
Mr. R.Rajamanickam - Director
Mr. E.S.Mani - Director
Mr. R.Rangasamy - Director
Mr. R.Mathiyazhagan - Director
Mr. R.Kanagarajan - Director
Mr. K.Ravikumar - Director